Two years ago a friend of mine that worked as a math teacher reached out and asked how she could create visualizations of fractions similar to this example which is often found in school books:

For the average person, this would not be easily doable. Clearly, using a vector drawing program such as Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator would work, but would take significant manual labor for making variations. Since I didn’t know what tool to recommend to her, I simply wrote a small website that could generate the desired visualizations. I used vanilla JavaScript and canvas, which despite being “boring” technology was super easy to work with, despite not knowing the API beforehand. Today, I thought that it would be cool to integrate this tool in my main website, which I now did! You can find the tool here, along with the (unobfuscated, lightly commented) source code. If you know someone that would find this useful, feel free to share it with them.

Here’s a screenshot if you’re too lazy to click the link: